Healthy Eating for Children

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Iron is important in your diet.

'Eat iron-rich foods. Iron helps in carrying the oxygen needed to burn fat. Some great sources are: shellfish, lean meats, beans and spinach.’

Having enough iron in your diet is very important.  Someone who doesn’t have sufficient iron may feel tired and look pale and there is evidence to show that a lack of iron in the diet leads to a slowing down of brain function. In children it is thought that physical and mental growth may be stunted if there is inadequate iron intake.

Iron deficiency is more common than many think. For example, it is estimated that only 65-70% of all Americans meet their daily recommended intake. When iron intake is depleted, oxygen circulates more slowly. If the body is low in iron, fatigue, irritability and headaches may occur. If the deficiency becomes significant, this can lead to anaemia. If left untreated, anaemia can be serious, with potentially life-threatening complications.

Maintaining levels of iron in the body is particularly important for babies, young children and young women, especially those who are pregnant.

The amount of iron you should consume varies with Age and Gender:

(1) The average male should consume about 8 milligrams of iron each day.

(2) For women, it varies based on the age. Women, aged 19-50 need more than most people, up to 18 milligrams. On the other hand, women over 50 only need 8 milligrams, just like males.

(3) The maximum ever recommended before toxicity might occur is 45 milligrams.

Iron requirements of children:

(1) Infants who breastfeed tend to get enough iron from their mothers until 4-6 months of age, when iron-fortified cereal can be introduced.(although breastfeeding mums should continue to take prenatal vitamins). Formula-fed infants should receive iron-fortified formula.

(2) Infants aged 7-12 months need 11 milligrams of iron a day. Babies younger than 1 year should be given iron-fortified cereal in addition to 
breast milk or an infant formula supplemented with iron.

(3) Toddlers need 7 milligrams of iron each day. Children aged 4-8 years need 10 milligrams while older children aged 9-13 years need 8 milligrams of iron each day.

(4) Adolescent boys should be getting 11 milligrams of iron a day and adolescent girls should be getting 15 milligrams. (Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and teenage girls need additional iron to replace what they lose monthly when they begin menstruating.)

(5) Young athletes who regularly engage in intense exercise tend to lose more iron and may require extra iron in their diets.

As an immediate way to combat the effects of iron deficiency in adults, supplements are most important, for they can introduce large quantities of iron very quickly. Combined with a diet of foods rich in iron, this is the way for people to recover quickly. However, because excessive iron intake can also cause health problems, you should never give your child iron supplements without first consulting your doctor.
There are even supplements that help you to absorb more of the iron you are already consuming. 

But, of course, in the long term people should change their diet to include the iron rich foods they want to eat on a regular basis.

Foods rich in iron are: meat, especially red meat, shellfish, beans, grains, fruit and vegetables.

You can improve the way your body absorbs iron by eating foods from the iron rich food list. Raw foods provide iron that is absorbed most 
efficiently and foods that are rich in vitamin C such as citrus and tomato are known to increase iron absorption.

If in doubt consult your doctor.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

10 Super foods you should add to your meal plans.

Added to a sensible exercise program, the following so called, ‘super foods’ will help you to become healthier.

The ten foods shown below (in alphabetical order, not order of importance) can help your body absorb extra nutrients and vitamins.

You and your family may not like or enjoy all of them, but try them out. You never know, you could come to like them!

Add some (or all) of them to your diet and your bones will be healthier and your energy levels will be higher. They will also help you to maintain a healthy body weight and keep your digestion in order.


Almonds are a wise choice for a snack since they help keep up your energy levels between meals. Choose raw ones over processed as they won't have oil or salt added.

A 100 gram serving of raw almonds will provide 20% of your recommended daily iron intake, 21% protein and nearly 60% of your vitamin B2 recommended daily allowance (RDA). They also help strengthen your bones and teeth.


The biggest benefit of the avocado is its high mono-unsaturated fat content, which actually helps to burn undesirable fats.

It helps to keep your eyes healthy and its slow release of energy helps stabilise your blood glucose levels. (good for people on the verge of diabetes)

100g of avocado contain 10g of mono-unsaturated fat, 16% of your vitamin B6 RDA (which aids your metabolism) and 22% of your daily foliage requirement to help prevent heart disease.
Eat one or two a week to feel the benefits.

Black Beans

Another food which helps to stabilise blood sugar levels, as they are digested slowly. High in fibre, black beans will also help regulate your digestive tract and a big plus is that they are high in antioxidants.

A 100 g serving will provide 6% calcium RDA, 8g of non-animal protein and only 0.3g of fat to help maintain a healthy body weight.


It’s strange isn’t it that broccoli is probably one of the least liked vegetables because, ironically, it’s one of the best.
You must, however, take extra care when cooking it. Many people tend to over-cook it or smother it in unhealthy sauces. 

To successfully retain its high nutrient value, steam it.

As with most foods you don’t like the taste of, you will get used to it in time. Or simply combine it with the other foods on your plate so that the taste is covered up. Whichever way you eat it, it’s well worth the effort! 

High in fibre, broccoli aids your digestive system and is an excellent source of non-dairy calcium. A single serving provides more than your entire vitamin C RDA, 10% of your vitamin B6 (keeping your metabolism strong), 2.6g of fibre, and its high vitamin K content helps keep your bones, eyes and heart healthy.


Kale is very similar to spinach in many ways, but it has slightly different benefits. Try to buy it in its raw state if you can. 

The antioxidants it contains reduce the symptoms of inflammation and it is high in fibre and vitamin K.

It’s also fat free and a 100g serving will contain double your vitamins A and C RDA, and over 4g of vegetable protein.


Quinoa is a high-quality protein devoid of cholesterol or fat. It contains "smart carbs," which are low on the glycemic index and can be processed by your body without being turned into fat.

A single cup serving only contains 1.9g of fat, 10% of your daily foliate requirement, and almost 4.5g of protein.


Eat fresh salmon rather than smoked salmon. It is better for you from a nutritious point of view.  

A 100g serving contains 9% of your daily vitamin A requirement, 13% of your vitamin B1 requirement, a whopping 20g of protein, 42% of the Niacin your skin desires, and lots of Omega 3.


Spinach is rich in nutrients, readily available, relatively cheap, high in energy and low in calories.
It’s absolutely packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients which fight free radicals and provide nourishment on a cellular level. 

A typical serving will provide over half your daily requirement of vitamin A, twice your vitamin K requirements and a substantial helping of foliate, too.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are easy to cook, high in vitamins and fibre, and somewhere between a starch and a vegetable. They are good for your heart and skin, boost your immune system and provide slow release energy throughout the day. They also contain antioxidants which prevent cellular breakdown due to free radicals.

A 100g serving contains almost 4 times the daily recommendation of vitamin A, 33% vitamin C and 2g of protein.


Watermelon provides similar levels of lycopene to tomatoes, which combats heart disease and cancer.

A 100 g serving contains 11% of your vitamin A RDA and 14% of your vitamin C. It has 0.1g of fat, but it does have a high natural sugar content.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Make your own Insect Repellent.

There are many insect repellent products you can buy over the counter. Unfortunately most of them contain chemicals it's probably best not to put on your body or your children's bodies!

Why not make your own?

Here's a very simple method:


Coconut oil

Essential oils; citronella, lavender and peppermint

How to prepare

Carefully warm about a third of a cup of the coconut oil and pour into a container which has a secure lid.

Add 10 drops of each of the essential oils.

Stir carefully and allow the mixture to solidify.

In warm weather the mixture will probably liquefy, so keep in the fridge or a cool, dry place.

How to use

Take some of the mixture on the palms of your hands (it will liquefy) and then smooth onto exposed skin.


Sometimes essential oils (particularly citrus oils) can make the skin photosensitive or more likely to burn. Be sure to use a non-toxic sunblock in addition to this insect repellent.

You can find essential oils here and Coconut oil here.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Lose Weight

Lose weight by overcoming your body’s reluctance to change.

Many diets to help you to lose weight have strict rules which have to be obeyed each day of the week. Even if you find one that you can follow without too much trouble to begin with, you'll soon find that it becomes a bit of a chore because of its rules.
Usually, your normal eating habits must be thrown out of the window and you must change to a completely different way of eating. This can be tolerated for a short while, but most people soon get tired of being constrained in this way and start to go back to their old ways. And guess what? They put any weight they may have lost back on and keep on going up above their previous weight.
So what can you do?
Well fortunately, you can lose weight without a strict, immediate diet regime.
You are probably aware of the fact that the body and brain simply hate change. Why do so many people stay with the same bank, gas or electricity company, etc. even though they know that they could most probably make savings by changing to another company?
It’s because people hate the bother of change.
How can you overcome your body’s natural resistance to change?
The truth is you have to be a bit tricky and fool your body into thinking that you’re not really changing anything much!
If you take small steps day by day, week by week, month by month, your body won’t notice anything is happening. But by the end of six months, let’s say, you’ll have managed a huge change in your eating and daily-life habits. And you’ll have done it without your body noticing. So it won’t want to go back to anything!
What you are doing by losing weight without dieting is developing a healthier lifestyle. This means you’ll lose weight by gradually shedding the extra pounds and you'll also change the way you approach life.
The best thing is that you will not slip back ever again, because now the fact that your body doesn’t like change will work in your favour. It won’t want to change back to the way you were!
Are there any disadvantages then?

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Herbs that Help with Weight Loss

One of the things that has been interesting over the last few months and years is the increasing enthusiasm for the use of herbs in weight loss programs. One of the obvious reasons is because, unlike some other additions to menus, herbs do not have any side effects. People who have already started to use herbal remedies have seen the benefits and have been able to show how helpful herbs can be.
Yes, regular exercise and keeping control over your calorie intake are vitally important in any weight loss program that you work out for yourself. But to make your life even better, please do take a look at the advantages that using herbal remedies can give you. As always with anything new to you, though, you should seek medical advice, especially if you’re on any medication.
Most people who take any kind of interest in weight loss are aware that, if you want to lose weight, the simple formula to follow is; calories in must be less than calories out. By the way, most people say they want to lose ‘weight’, when what they actually want to lose is ‘fat’ which is not necessarily the same thing. See my post here for an explanation.

Some Herbs that can help in your quest for weight loss:

 (1) Green Tea Extract can boost your metabolism.

In a study as long ago as 2005, it was discovered that a group of men taking green tea extract daily for three moths lost an average of between 2 and 3 pounds more than a control group of men who did not use green tea extract. Reported in an article in the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’, it was stated that the men took 690 milligrams of green tea extract a day. Previous studies had shown that use of green tea has a similar weight loss effect in women too.
You see green tea contains antioxidants that scientists believe are capable of increasing the body’s metabolism and the elimination of fats from the body
Take capsules or add liquid extract to drinks or mix with food. The author of ‘Feed Your Tiger: The Asian Diet Secret for Permanent Weight Loss and Vibrant Health’, Letha Hadady suggested that green tea could be added to meals like soups or spaghetti sauce.

Source of Green Tea Extract

(2) Fish Oil is excellent for getting rid of fat from the body.

In 2007, Australian researchers confirmed that fish oil and exercise both reduced body fat.  But they also found, reported in the ‘American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’, that combining the two was even more effective.

Source of Fish Oil

(3)  Ginger
You may gain weight because of the food lodged in your digestive system. Not only does ginger reduce the stomach’s acidity, but it also cleanses your body of the food lodged in your digestive system.

Source of Ginger

(4) Guggul enhances metabolism
The primitive herb of Guggul is regarded as a substance that helps people to lose weight. A study carried out at the ‘University of Nebraska’ and ‘Beth Israel Medical Center’ in New York concluded that people who took guggul while exercising lost an average of 4.5 to 5 pounds extra compared with people who exercised without taking guggul over a 6 week period.

Source of Guggul

 (5) Glucomannan
Glucomannan delays the absorption of glucose from the intestines and helps you lose weight.

Source of Glucomannan

Click on the picture that follows to see some more Herbs and Spices that can help you to lose weight:

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Save your Children from being Obese

Children don’t become obese by accident. I know that the few extra pounds to start with can easily go unnoticed, but the signs that a child is becoming overweight are usually fairly obvious after a certain stage has been reached. For a start the clothes that have to be bought as the child grows in size are a fairly obvious indicator that growth other than just height is happening.

It's the parents’ responsibility to prevent their children from becoming obese. If your child is becoming overweight, then you need to do something about it. Do not wait until your child is obese. Obesity is something that must be prevented.

If you follow the advice given in this article you’ll go a long way to helping your child to become fit and healthy. (and will probably become fit and healthy yourself. What a great side-effect!)

What are the common causes of children becoming obese?

The most obvious causes are overeating and lack of exercise.

(a) If your child is constantly snacking between meals, especially if the ‘food’ is crisps or chocolate or things like that, then the fat will just grow and grow.
(b) If your child is also quite inactive, for example, sits watching TV or playing games on the computer most of the time, then this is a contributory factor to the increase in weight.

So the first thing you must do is to change your children’s eating habits.
Slowly get your children either to cut out the snacks or make them healthier. Slowly is the important word here and a gradual introduction of any changes you make will certainly be most beneficial.
Then you should see exactly how healthy your children’s meals are and the first things to eliminate are the sweet foods; chocolate cakes, donuts, etc. (but remember, slowly does it)
Breakfast is an important meal. Start the day off in a healthy way. Fruits, low fat milk and wheat cereals, etc. for breakfast is a great way to start the day.

Then for the rest of the day’s meals try to introduce as many vegetables as you can. This can be difficult, I know.
One way I tried to persuade my children to eat more vegetables was to cook about six different ones for all the family. We’d sit down together and everyone had to eat at least a small amount of each vegetable, even if it was only one pea!
The other method to increase the amount of vegetables eaten was to mash all the vegetables except peas and potatoes together and present everyone with meat (chicken or other lean meat) or fish, peas, potatoes and a multi-coloured vegetable mush. Magically they all ate the mush and enjoyed it!
If eating vegetables becomes the normal thing to do for everyone (yes, adults included!) then it shouldn’t be too long before everyone is eating in a healthier way.
The second important way to keep your children from becoming obese is to introduce them to physical exercise.
Now the most common sorts of exercise are walking, running and swimming. They’re all aerobic type exercises and are good for all round health.
Sports, such as football, rugby, netball and hockey, either at school or at a local club are also great for keeping off those extra pounds. Others are gymnastics, karate and judo.
For the non-sporty children, you can find other activities they enjoy doing and change them into qualifying aerobic activities (See my article about changing an activity to a qualifying aerobic activity)
Explain the benefits of weight loss to your children. Also tell them about the bad things that can happen to those who don’t take enough exercise. Being the same size as the man in this picture not only looks terrible, but it is extremely unhealthy!

Mention the fact that obese people are more prone to heart diseases and diabetes. Telling them how some silly people make fun of obese people can sometimes be a clincher to persuade them to exercise.

If you maintain a good diet and get involved in qualifying aerobic exercise regularly, then your children will realize how important you feel this is and they’ll follow your example. .
Become fit and healthy together.