Many diets to help you to lose weight have strict rules which have to be obeyed each day of the week. Even if you find one that you can follow without too much trouble to begin with, you'll soon find that it becomes a bit of a chore because of its rules.
Usually, your normal eating habits must be thrown out of the window and you must change to a completely different way of eating. This can be tolerated for a short while, but most people soon get tired of being constrained in this way and start to go back to their old ways. And guess what? They put any weight they may have lost back on and keep on going up above their previous weight.
So what can you do?
Well fortunately, you can lose weight without a strict, immediate diet regime.
You are probably aware of the fact that the body and brain simply hate change. Why do so many people stay with the same bank, gas or electricity company, etc. even though they know that they could most probably make savings by changing to another company?
It’s because people hate the bother of change.
How can you overcome your body’s natural resistance to change?
The truth is you have to be a bit tricky and fool your body into thinking that you’re not really changing anything much!
If you take small steps day by day, week by week, month by month, your body won’t notice anything is happening. But by the end of six months, let’s say, you’ll have managed a huge change in your eating and daily-life habits. And you’ll have done it without your body noticing. So it won’t want to go back to anything!
What you are doing by losing weight without dieting is developing a healthier lifestyle. This means you’ll lose weight by gradually shedding the extra pounds and you'll also change the way you approach life.
The best thing is that you will not slip back ever again, because now the fact that your body doesn’t like change will work in your favour. It won’t want to change back to the way you were!
Are there any disadvantages then?