Sizzling Minerals have been seen to transform the lives of hundreds of people throughout Europe and around the World. Here are just a few examples of how this has happened.
Type 2 Diabetes & High Blood Pressure - A Thing Of The Past!
“I have suffered from Type 2 Diabetes for 5 years, High Blood Pressure for 14 years approx., Osteoarthritis pain in my knee for 21 years and taking Doctor’s medication and also nutrition supplements from different companies and yet I continued to suffer. I started taking the Sizzling Minerals also the original Juice (liquid minerals). I have now weaned myself off all the doctor’s medications. My right 4th toe no longer goes over my big toe, as deformity had started. For the past three months I can now walk flat as my right foot had a tendency to arch due to the deformity that was creeping in because of Arthritis.
Thanks to Sizzling Minerals my life has improved dramatically.”
Neville, London – UK
“In February I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes which brings with it many problems, amongst them a loss of feeling in the toes, loss of energy, prone to bacterial infection and possible amputation of toes and lower limbs also possible failure of kidneys etc. A very good and trusted friend introduced me to Sizzling Minerals. Having been involved with natural health products for 18 years, the information made absolute sense so I started taking the minerals and 3 months later my blood test results showed a very marked improvement especially to those relating to Glucose and Cholesterol levels. Also results of recent eye examinations have been excellent and no further treatment or eye tests required until my next annual check up in December.
I recommend this great natural product to everyone who values their health, whether they have a specific problem or not just give them a try.”
Clive, Somerset, UK
Type 2 Diabetic
I am 67 and a Type 2 Diabetic and have been for about three years now. I have kept myself fit over the years and not excessively over weight coming in at 13st 7lbs. The Doctor put me on a combination of Diabetic drugs and reviews my progress every 6 months.
On my last visit, he was extremely pleased, so much so he informed me that my Blood Sugar level was down, my Cholesterol was down, my weight was down, my Blood Pressure was down and he stated that if I came to him now, I would not be classed as a diabetic! He then informed that he was ceasing one of my drugs and if I continue to progress like this that he would reduce my drug intact at our next meeting.
The only change to my lifestyle between Doctor’s visits was that I had started taking Simply Minerals. I attended one of the London meetings and was advised that I should take the minerals twice a day as a diabetic, which I do and will continue to do so.
Overall I certainly feel much better and have stacks of energy, so for once I am looking forward to visiting my Doctor again, and hopefully he will give me so more good news
Other differences I notice – okay not so tired, more energy, nails strong and do not break, slepp well without interruptions, no tingling in my toes – think that’s about it.
Dave Barton
Type 2 Diabetic
“I am 65 this week and a Type 2 Diabetic, like most people I over did it last Christmas - just another mince pie or chocolate forgetting I was facing another blood test in January. Imagine my surprise when my tests came back and my sugar levels and cholesterol were both down. Since I started taking Sizzling Minerals I also have a lot more energy. I work outdoors in all weathers and always have plenty of energy! I was so pleased with Sizzling
Minerals that I told all my friends and colleagues about them. People still ask me if I am going to retire but why should I? I feel great, look good and hope to carry on working for some time yet.”
Tom – Darlington
Conquered Diabetes, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol
“For some time now I have taken the Sizzling Minerals everyday the benefits are amazing. People I have recommended them to tell me they have conquered Diabetes, Asthma, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, just to name a few. In my marketing of Sizzling Minerals I use acidosis as the cause of most disease and this develops through consumption of highly acidic food causing Allergies, Phlegm and Acid Reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Cohn’s disease. Acidosis leads to the exhaustion of minerals in the body. The Sizzling Minerals when dissolved in high PH water neutralise all the acid in the body in a few days. One of my patients. a 51 year old Caucasian, suffered from IBS for 20 years. When I gave him samples for 4 days he reported a complete stop to his IBS taking 2 wafers a day for 4 days.”
Anthony, Pharmacology - Singapore
Blood Pressure has improved by 10% and my Diabetes under control
“Since taking Sizzling Minerals my Blood Pressure has improved by 10% and my Diabetes is now better controlled. I have reduced my insulin by over 20 units and my results are now excellent. Also something amazing has happened my hair has gone darker and no longer looks as grey and my nails grow 5 times faster. I believe thanks to Sizzling Minerals. Thanks.”
John, Darlington - UK
"I started taking these just short of a month ago now. To be honest I was a wee bit sceptical, the video etc made it seem too good to be true. Then I thought if it does work then hey great, it DOES. It’s definitely money worth spending.
A few things I've noticed are...the whites of my eyes are white, not bloodshot as usual...sleep patterns have levels are better than ever and I'm touching 40 now...workout recovery almost instant. JUST TRY IT FOR YOURSELVES"
“Star Pupil At The Surgery!”
“I have just been to the GP surgery for my annual diabetic review which, ever since I was diagnosed five years ago, has been an out-and-out disaster. I knew things were well on the mend even a few weeks after taking the Sizzling Minerals and when I wrote my last testimonial, but WOW, WOWITY, WOW, WOW, WOW... I am “star pupil” at the surgery today. Nurses I had never met before were called in to witness the improvement in my results: Blood Sugar Count 5.6 - Normal, Cholesterol 4.6 - Normal, Liver Function Tests - Normal, Rheumatism Factor - Normal, Glaucoma Eye Pressures - Normal, Blood Pressure (the constant bĂȘte noir) - NORMAL!!!... Weight - Down 5kg - Normal... and so it went on! ALL of them had to be shown the earlier results to prove the dramatic changes which had taken place. My GP was congratulating me on the improvements... something I never thought I’d ever hear. My specialist nurse was saying what a pleasure it was to relay such results rather than being the normal doom and gloom and “must-do-better-or-you’ll-die” merchant she has to be normally. I am 100% convinced all this has come about thanks to taking the Sizzling Minerals and Omega 3. Thank you, one and all... I just want to go out and let EVERYBODY know how wonderful these health giving products are.”
Fergus, Middlesex - UK
Fantastic Results with Diabetes
My husband has had fantastic results with his diabetes and he has only been on the minerals since January. His specialist was so pleased with his results she has discharged him from the diabetic clinic at the hospital and referred him back to his doctor. Heather Jones
Diabetes Information Minerals help diabetes in a big way... Studies show chromium stabilize blood sugar, magnesium helps GLUT 4 receptors uptake sugar into cells, minerals support all bodily functions and may help reduce complications of diabetes such as circulation, eye damage, reduce cardiac risks. Minerals strengthen blood vessels. Also you don't get sugar cravings as much which helps with weight loss too. Just try it and let us know! Suggest also use 400mg magnesium citrate and an antioxidant formula plus krill oil.
IIeana Nguyen, Nutritionalist
I bought a supply of the Sizzling Minerals for my son who suffers from Type 1 Diabetes and has extremely painful feet. The doctor presecribed anti-epilepsy tablets for the pain and my son was taking eight of these a day.
When he started the minerals he was determined to find out if they worked and so ceased taking the anti-epilepsy tablets. Within two days the pain had completely gone and he has now been on them for three weeks and he cannot believe the improvement. Thank you from us both to Sizzling Minerals!
Type 2 Diabetic
I became a Type 2 diabetic in 2006 . When I used to test my blood sugar, I would experience blood sugar levels all over the place, from as low as 3.7 to as high as 13.9 (the normal figures are between 4 and 7). Since taking Sizzling Minerals, my blood sugar level during the last month is steady with readings between 5.2 and 6.1. So you can imagine how my life has changed dramatically thanks to Sizzling Minerals and for less than a pound a day, you can keep the doctor away.
Serge van den Heerik / Bournemouth
Diabetic Review – Powerful Message
"I am insulin dependent and also have had two heart attacks. My diabetes wasn't controlling hence I was under the care of the Diabetic Specialist at our local hospital. In December this year I had a cancerous tumour removed from the right side of my mouth. The whole of the palette, jaw and teeth were removed. For two days I was in Intensive Care followed by 12 days in High Dependency where I was fed through the nose as I had a plate screwed into the top of my mouth. Whilst I was in hospital they couldn't control my sugar levels and the ward were in daily contact with my Diabetic specialist. Friends visited me in hospital and left a tube of Sizzling Minerals. I couldn't take them at the time as I was being fed through the nose. For all of those who know me well, you will know that I am a bit of a sceptic when it comes to supplements. But I was willing to give them a go. In the following weeks, at my regular cancer check ups with the hospital, the Professor was amazed at my healing and for those who know, diabetics take longer than normal to heal when they have an injury. I was given the all clear with no radio and no chemo. At my 3 month Diabetic review with the specialist in March 2014 she was astounded at my results, especially as my sugars were out of control in the hospital. She was so amazed with blood, diabetic and weight results that she discharged me from her clinic at the hospital and referred me back to my doctor for 6 monthly checks. The specialist asked me what I was doing different and at this stage I did not admit to taking the Sizzling Minerals. Her words were "whatever you are doing just keep doing it". This week I went along to see the Diabetic Nurse at my doctors not expecting any further changes. The Nurse was ecstatic. She was over the moon with my results and this time I wrote down exactly what they were. HBA1C - now this is the biggest indicator for diabetics as to what is going on inside. It shows you how much sugar is sticking to your blood cells. Well I have been as high as 122. In March it had dropped to 60 and now it's 58. The optimum is 48 so I am nearly there. My kidneys are normal. My liver is normal. My cholesterol is 4.8. The Nurse would like it at 4 however that is going the right way and I am well pleased at 4.8. I have lost another 6kg.
The blood cell clumping photo in the Sizzling Mineral brochure now makes sense to me when I relate it to my HBA1C results. It's not only about visual and physical improvements that people are seeing with this product, it's what is going on inside. So I urge everyone out there to start taking these fantastic minerals to keep your insides healthy. As they say, prevention is better than cure. And all this on one Sizzling Mineral a day. "
Type II Diabetic
I am a tablet controlled Type II diabetic. When originally diagnosed about 3 years ago my BM was 17.7 mmol. I was placed on METFORMIN 500 mg b.d (twice daily). I was experiencing tiredness,headaches,watering / stinging eyes,lower leg pains,itching, constant colds and flu to name a few. I started to take Sizzling Minerals which is a wafer tablet which contains 75 minerals. Since taking these minerals most of my symptoms have disappeared and I am now only taking one 500 mg Metformin daily. My last three Hb1Ac readings have been normal and within range. I have been told by the diabetic nurse that if my next reading is normal that I can come off all my medication. This product has certainly helped me.
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