When it comes to the mid-day break, many working people only have half-an-hour for eating, resting, taking a 'comfort break', talking to friends, etc. It's no wonder, therefore, that eating is done as quickly as possible. What is sometimes called, 'Wolfing your food down'.
Unfortunately, other meal-times are not taken much slower either. Now there is less excuse for this.I know.....breakfast is rushed because there's a bus or train to catch. Or the car journey is unpredictable and you need to start as early as possible.
In the evening, if you're going out somewhere, there is often very little turn-around time between getting in from work, eating a quick snack, getting washed and dressed and rushing out again.
So it's rush, rush all the time!
But, you could try to get up, say, half-an-hour earlier and you don't necessarily have to rush out every evening after work.
You see, 'wolfing down your food' actually blocks the signals which tell you that you're full. This inevitably leads to overeating.
Try very hard to make the extra time to reinvent yourself as a slow eater. Being a slow eater allows you to slim down without the need for complicated diet plans or having to be a mathematical genius to calculate calorie intake and output.
If you can eat most of your meals over a 20 minute period, you'll discover that a great deal of pleasure can be obtained from smaller portions. Set your alarm to sound 20 minutes after you start your meal and take the time to really taste each bite of food. Make your meal last until you trigger your body's fullness signals. This is one of the best habits to cultivate if you want to slim without time consuming diet plans.
How Thai food can help you to slim without dieting!
Now you probably know that Thai food is very spicy and one way spicy foods help you to lose weight is that hot peppers raise your metabolism.
However, the most important way in which spicy foods can help you to lose weight is that when you eat them you eat more slowly. So use spicy foods more often and allow more time to eat all food.
Keep eating slowly for a month and you'll start to wonder why you were always rushing in the first place. You'll also wonder how you managed to lose so much weight!
Give it a try and let me know how you get on.
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